Message from the Clarks:

Quo Vadis is no longer offering year-round classes, but summer theater continues! To register, see below.

Contact Us

Please feel free to call or email us with any questions you may have or to discuss your family’s needs or changing situations.

Byron Clark: 214 . 682 . 7417
Ana Clark: 214 . 682 . 9117
Email Us: [email protected]

Ready to Register?

Send us an email with the following information:

  • The first and last name of each student along with the workshop date each one will take
  • Date of birth of each student
  • Basic family contact information including
    • Preferred parent email
    • Phone numbers- home and cell number
    • Mailing address
  • How you heard about us
  • Any other helpful information about your student, or questions you have

Class List

We will place you on the class list as soon as we receive your email or phone information.


Tuition is $95 for June and July workshops; $85 for the August Junior workshop. A $5 discount is applied for 2nd or 3rd student in family.

Registration for Workshops

A $25 deposit will hold your student’s place. This amount will be applied to the tuition. You may send a check to the mailing address below, -OR- Zelle to [email protected]. Balance of tuition due on the first day.

Mailing Address

2825 Ashglen Dr., Garland, Texas 75043

Class Meeting Location

Household of Faith Church, 1550 Wynn Joyce, Garland Texas 7543

See more information